The Smelly Cheese

A pragmatic take on the most foul stuff on the planet: politics.


Tucker Carlson is still... gay for Bill Clinton

Written by Captain Spork on 3:20 PM

The man is positively horny for Bill Clinton. The guy's been out of office for six years and still getting slammed. It seems odd to me that two months before yet another pivotal election season we have another wave of "Democrats want you to be attacked by terrorists!" mantra. That's what this whole White House roadside extravaganza is for exactly. Tony Snow and Carl Rove want to shift everyone's attention away from the 2600 American soldiers and hundreds of thousands of dead Iraqis. Imagine, if you will, Rove's address at Bob Jones University:

"Look over here good white, Christian folk! Remember when Bill Clinton got a blowjob and lied to you about? Well while your salivating at mouth I like to remind you all that he was in fact the man that let Osama bin Laden blow up the World Trade Center. Furthermore he still eats dead babies and has submissive sex with his lesbian wife!!! Now get out there and vote people!! Don't forget... Al Gore is trying to thwart God's plan to melt the North Pole and give us clean drinking water."

The truly laughable thing is that Dick, Rummy, terd-blossom and Jorge truly have no cards left to play right now. When in doubt blame the guy before you even though he spent the last two years of his presidency defending his right to get some on the side and then... shockingly lie about it. Jesus Harold Christ!!! That was eight fucking years ago people!! Here's the kicker. This latest hit piece put out by Disney that is called a "docudrama" in one breath calls out the Clinton Regime for not pulling the trigger on Osama and in another claims that when he did try to bomb bin Laden he was just creating a distraction or "wagging the dog" to divert attention from blowjob-gate. Which one is it Disney? You can't blame Bubba for not killing Osama and then blame him for trying.

Why ABC and everybody's mom needs to make a film about 9/11 is beyond me. This entire country has been mired in cataloguing and documenting the "how" or "why" planes were used as bombs for the past 5 years. We carpet bombed a country full of warlords and opium for about 2 months and then declared war on another country that we had already bombed the hell out of because it was supposed to make us feel better. And yet here we are 5 years down the road, still playing footsy with Pakistan and their "relationship" with the whereabouts of the worlds foremost terrorist. What happened to the whole "Wanted dead or alive" idea? The last time I checked Osama bin Laden wasn't seen waltzing through Brian Williams' wide shot outside the green zone in Baghdad.

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