The Smelly Cheese

A pragmatic take on the most foul stuff on the planet: politics.


Holy crap! This things might actually be over!`

Written by Captain Spork on 12:43 PM

The New York times is reporting that team Clinton (code for Bill) is contemplating Hillary as Barack Obama's running mate and VP. At this point I'd take Obama and cardboard cutout of Cookie Monster, so can we please just get on with this damn thing. November is not that far away and the DNC is ostensibly still picking out the color of their drapes while John McCain has already finished putting in a new counter top for his bathroom (hmmmm.... home remodeling humor doesn't come off quite as well as I thought).
At this point, the "dream ticket" may be the only way to salvage the 2008 election. Sure there are a ton a downsides to it. Racism, sexism, Clintonism, Jeremiah Wright-ism and "He's really a Muslim"-ism are all great obstacles that would face a Barack/Hillary ticket. But ya know what my worst fear is? Theme song. Yes, I fear that if Obama cordially invites Clinton to the dance we will be tormented by the musical albatross that has blemished Sir Paul McCartney and Stevie Wonder's illustrious careers. That's right, "Ebony and Ivory." If you think I'm being overly dramatic just click, watch and feel the horror!

Andrea Mitchell frightens me.

Written by Captain Spork on 12:35 AM

What deal with the devil did this woman strike? She always has a job despite being really bad at what she does, "reporting." She seems to have gotten younger and better looking at 60 than she did at 50 (mere nip/tuck cannot explain this black magic). She is also married to ruler of the netherworld Alan Greenspan. Coincidence? I think not.

Seriously, fuck Andrea Mitchell. I don't think anyone who is married to Alan Greenspan has any authority on how or why "working class" folks vote one way or the other. Really Andrea? When was the last time you had to ride on a plane that wasn't named "Air Force One?" Good lord, what a fucking horrible hyena of a woman. She's spent her entire adult life with her face caked and ready for camera 1 and 2. The biggest career problem she's ever had is when the Sudanese president told her "Bitch get the fuck out of my way!" That's right, Andrea. In the Sudan they don't care that you've been promoted to "Chief U.N. correspondent."

In summation, fuck you Andrea Mitchell. Fuck you and your plastic face and your fake upper-crust accent. Hopefully, someday soon Alan Greenspan will die on top of you and you soulless body will suffocate under his dying carcass.

Just stop Hillary. Just spot it! Goddamn it I will turn this car around!

Written by Captain Spork on 12:33 AM

OK. It's quittin' time but no one is punching out on their time card. While Howard Dean was blabbing on and on the great voter turnout, John McCain is having KBR customize the Oval Office with an extra layer of artillery armor.

When will this thing be over? To paraphrase Tracy Morgan, "When we stop being a racist country." Good job, Indiana. Encourage Hillary only dilludes her sense of reality. Oh, by the way, you're not really getting a gas tax holiday you dumb shits.

McCain: Proudly screwing the soldiers for generations.

Written by Captain Spork on 5:00 PM

I know it's really hard for these "soft" new soldiers to live up to John "the viet cong zapped my balls" McCain, but jeeze this is kind of a low blow.

Apparently McCain is avoiding attaching his name to a new GI bill, which already has 57 senators on board, so he can trumpet his own superior "GI Bill."
There's nothing more patriotic than a former soldier telling current soldiers that their prospective futures are less valuable than his was. God bless America!

Jeremiah Wright: Way to go asshole!

Written by Captain Spork on 4:54 PM

Here's what's truly dangerous about this guy. He's not a servant of the "lord," or a shepherd. He thinks he is the vessel, he thinks he is the one of the select few that can hear the "true music." Which is why he sees fit to judge and damn those who are not righteous from his perspective.

I'm not going to condemn Jeremiah Wright as "all bad." Clearly there was a time when this reverend had something to offer the world. But as of today, he's no better than the fox news hacks that have his soundbites on an endless loop.

Look at his face as he is welcomed to the podium admist the applause. There is nothing humble in those eyes, just pure unadulterated ego. The entire country is his pulpit and he is soaking in every second to the fullest.

There is no logical rationale to what this man has done in these past days, no sense whatsoever. I'm inclined to beleive that the publishing house that puts out his next book is getting a big fat check from Karl Rove.

There is no religion left in that man. Just bitterness and revenge.

Obama denounces Wright 4.29.08

Written by Captain Spork on 4:34 PM

Hopefully this whole thing doesn't come back to bite him in the ass in November. If it does, I think it would be an immensely sad indictment on our culture.

If you've got 10 minutes, just to a video search for "Rev. Wright + press club." Hell just google his name and read a few articles. After doing that you can only come to two conclusions:

1.) He's fucking nuts.. no nucking futs!
2.) He clearly feels betrayed by Obama or is jealous of his success.
