The Smelly Cheese

A pragmatic take on the most foul stuff on the planet: politics.


People have the power!... to screw things up.

Written by Captain Spork on 2:30 PM

Just in case you're still reeling from Carly Smithson being voted off American Idol, the Kamakazee Klintons soundly thumped The Man Who Invented Hope in the Pennsylvania primary on Tuesday. Yes, the "Rocky" film analogy did indeed hold true but not for the candidates. We the people are in fact Rocky Balboa, having gone all 12 rounds but losing the bout by decision. Instead of a boxing ring, we stumble around our living rooms mentally bloodied, yelling for our national "Adrian" to carry us home.

I want this race to be over. On a personal level, I would really enjoy Barack Obama as our next president. In delivering his "losing" speech on Tuesday night he sounded presidential. With very few exceptions he always comes off as "presidential" material. Unfortunately, most of his missteps have been coming later in the campaign and not early on. The guy is human and most likely has some "undesirables" in his past. The most glaring and continually baffling is his church pastor. At some point he's gonna have to put some distance between this guy and himself since Rev. Wright isn't helping him that much.

My personal preferences aside, there is this bothersome fact that the Democratic voters of America want be to heard. Even more bothersome to every reporter (that doesn't work or appear on the Fox News channel) is that some democrats are actually "choosing" Hillary over Obama. After a self-inflicted 15-month marathon campaign the general conceit goes something like this:

"How can they vote for her? Haven't they seen our glowing reviews of the man? Clearly these people must be misinformed.... or racist. Have they met Obama in person yet? Yes, that's it he just needs some 'one-on-one" time with the good people of ..."

Nope. Sometimes we are just cursed with choices. Damn you democracy!!! People are presented with choices everyday and some of them will no doubt fuck it up royally. For nearly 100 years Americans have been given a choice between Coke and Pepsi. Despite Coca-Cola's consistent delivery of a superior product, some misguided souls choose to waste their money on its watered-down counterpart. "Ain't that America, home of the free baby!" (I wonder if Mellencamp is a Pepsi guy...)

So we trudge on because... well because we can. We the people of these United States do not do so to piss off Chris Matthews or to deprive Soledad O'Brien of her beauty sleep. NO, we do this because we have convinced ourselves that having an alternative is our birthright. Maintaining the illusion of "freedom," is more comforting than facing the hard tasks ahead of us. Give me liberty or give me death... or give me a third option... something without death, preferably.

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