The Smelly Cheese

A pragmatic take on the most foul stuff on the planet: politics.


The New Yorker still thinks its funny.

Written by Captain Spork on 1:45 PM

"Well there's yer problem!" I used to have a subscription to the New Yorker. I'm talking about 5 years ago, not recently. I stopped reading it precisely because of their latest attempt at satire. Before I get ahead of myself, I'd like to say that I get the "joke." Wow. That's a real riot. Hilarious. The editor of the magazine and the "artist," are claiming their "right to satire," and can't be held responsible for those that don't get it.

The editor likened their efforts to that of a print medium,"Colbert Report."

I know Stephen Colbert and you sir, are no Stephen Colbert... mainly because they actually have the ability to reach a relevant audience. The problem with The New Yorker is that it's The New Yorker. The people that put that publication together make Al Gore look like Larry the Cable guy. Hoity-toity doesn't even begin to describe the editorial staff let alone their readership.

This is the first general election where a black guy with a Muslim name is running against "Father Time," white establishment war-guy. This is the moment that the New Yorker decides to make its most patronizing and polarizing cover in the last 10 years? Really guys? Ya just had to "hold a mirror" up to the crazy right wing blogosphere four months before the election? Good job douchebags.

There's no journalistic merit at work here. There is no great satire that will reveal the emperor with no pantaloons. The New Yorker is a dying breed. It's a print publication that can barely compete with the rest of its dwindling kind. I'd guess the phrase, "The New Yorker Magazine," has been seen, heard and googled more times in the last two days than in the publications entire existence. Great job political cartoonist guy (What's the matter? Making caricature portraits at Sea World doesn't pay the bills?) you've now confirmed the worst fears of those 31% of Americans who thought Obama was a Muslim anyway.

Hey, we're all entitled to our opinion right? We wouldn't want to let real political headwind get in the way of an bunch of erudite snobs making their point in the most smug method possible now would we? Truth be told the publishers and readers of The New Yorker don't care who the fuck gets elected president. Things like tax cuts, war casualties and mortgages don't register within their sphere of influence. Until someone writes a "brilliant piece," about it in The New Yorker.

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  1. 1 comments: Responses to “ The New Yorker still thinks its funny. ”

  2. By abrupt on 1:09 PM

    erudite snobs ??? WTF does that mean? I must be out of the loop.
