The Smelly Cheese

A pragmatic take on the most foul stuff on the planet: politics.


It all depends on what your definition of "sniper fire," is?

Written by Captain Spork on 2:06 PM

OOPS!!! This is what Washington insiders call, "padding the resume." It is also known as "lying your ass off," or "being a politician."

Oddly enough I don't care what Hillary was doing in Bosnia 12 years ago, nor do I care what Obama's pastor was yelling about 5 years ago. I'm one of those silly people that lives in "the present." I'm not saying that I ignore history, not by a long shot. Our history is too be studied and kept on file as a resource of knowledge. It is not, however, the sole basis of our decision making.

I don' t walk into a deli with the intention of ordering a pastrami sandwich and change my mind because another customer says, "Hey I had a bad pastrami sandwich here 5 years ago." I order the fucking pastrami because I wanted the pastrami, plus who the fuck remembers a bad sandwich from 5 years ago?

More to come on how the media's nanosecond attention span is killing American culture and handing the presidency to John McCain.

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