The Smelly Cheese

A pragmatic take on the most foul stuff on the planet: politics.


Where's a militant brotha when you need one?

Written by Captain Spork on 2:45 PM

I call it like I see it. When Barack first announced his candidacy the "old guard," featuring the likes of Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson floated the idea that he wasn't "black enough." This notion has been resoundingly thumped since, by black voters turning out in record number for Obama in the Democratic primary season. Some of it is "identity politics," some of it isn't.

As a life-long liberal democrat (noun: guilty white person who has very limited interaction outside his own neighborhood) I've donated my time, gave my money and my vote to Barack Obama because it was the first opportunity I have ever had to give a black man the chance to take the white house. It's long overdue and the time has come. This wasn't my only reasoning for voting for Barack, but it was a big factor, as I assume it was with many other democratic voters. He's an inspiring guy with a positive message and outlook. He also has the added benefit of having an actual personality, some style. He's probably the most charismatic leader I've wanted to vote for since Bill Clinton (Neither men could ever approach the krump factor of Lil Jon but they look pretty vibrant compared to Bob Dole and Chris Dodd).

But let's not kid ourselves, if Barack Obama was a white guy he be battling John Edwards for the vice-presidency. I don't agree with Geraldine "I'm old and I don't have to censor myself," Ferraro.

Barack is a capable politician who has run a superior campaign. His intriguing biography along with his unique ethnicity have coalesced at exactly the right time when the American people, more specifically democrats, are ready... no foaming at the mouth to see an entirely different face in the white house. You can't get much different than a half black guy named Barack Obama. He is the dream candidate for any liberal democrat. I have forcibly stopped myself from drinking the Obamanaid and I'm still find myself tuning into every speech he makes on television. I'm still forking over cash to his campaign (seriously dude, how much more do you need?) and I still find myself watching him speak and thinking "Wow, that guy looks presidential."

All of Obama's enthusiasm, charisma, experience, inexperience and "juice" cannot change the fact that he is profoundly different, in one particular facet, than any other eventual nominee in our nation's history. I'm not knocking it. I like it. Truth be told, if he were a white man delivering the same speeches I'd probably would've voted for Edwards. But he isn't the same old boring white guy is he?

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