The Smelly Cheese

A pragmatic take on the most foul stuff on the planet: politics.


"Children Do Learn."

Written by Captain Spork on 11:14 PM

Apparently, while "children do learn," the President doesn't. Bush is know in uncharted territory of brazened stupidity. He just doesn't care what the citizens of the United States of America (or "some folks" as he calls us) think anymore.

For those of you who don't know George Bush doesn't just hate black people and Kanye West, he know hates uninsured children.

He's right in a way. These children should've thought about being born to richer parents, before then went and got sick. When will we stop coddling these 7 year old cancer patients!!! Back to reality. In reality, any President that has a 25 percent job approval and is spending billions of dollars a month on a war that was technically over 4 years ago doesn't veto a children's health insurance bill out of "fiscal responsibility."

But good for George, he doesn't live in reality. In his reality, congress isn't an actual branch of government, they're just a bunch of stuffy suits that are supposed to sign over the checks. In Georgeland, it makes perfect sense to delay funding a program that actually takes care of it's most vulnerable citizens while demanding total expediency for another program that keeps our military employed as policemen for a country that doesn't even want to be a real country anyway. And in Bushopolis, that last sentence wouldn't be called a "run-on," since it was just trying to protect itself from "evil modifiers."

In all seriousness, even for this President, this is a new low. He praised the SCHIP program when he was Governor of Texas... because it worked. Now he's hanging sick, poor kids out to dry for some symbolic gesture to the conservative history books. Way to go dumbfuck. Everything Bush has done until now could be explained by him being an idiot with a messianic complex. Nope he's just a bigger asshole than we thought.

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