The Smelly Cheese

A pragmatic take on the most foul stuff on the planet: politics.


Free Driving Tip #1

Written by Captain Spork on 6:10 PM

Here's a sign that you may have seen on the road recently.

The sign means what it says. The lane that you are currently occupying is going to cease to exist very soon, thus you need to put your blinker on and "merge." In case you are still unclear on the matter, sometimes the sign is followed by a physical representation of what you're supposed to do:

Both of these signs are telling you that you are going to have to "merge," with the rest of traffic. If you're unclear on what "merging" is please feel free to read some very informative literature from the DMV.
You know what these signs don't mean? Keep talking on your phone and pretend that you are already in the next lane over. It also does not mean, "keep shovelling that taco in your mouth and slowly drift between the existing lane and the ending lane."
Come on people.

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