The Smelly Cheese

A pragmatic take on the most foul stuff on the planet: politics.


President Bush learns that "fire is bad."

Written by Captain Spork on 12:05 PM

Is there anything that our President can't royally fuck up? Apparently George finally had someone inform him that a large portion of Southern California was on fire You know you're in bad shape when Arnold "The Governator," is the guy who's actually the most competent person available to handle a natural disaster (though, I guess he's gotta be given props for showing up within 48 hours).

Ahhhhh, but not Curious George. He seems to have a "wait and see" policy for natural disasters. It's a wise strategy. Why declare a national emergency and preempt more widespread damage when you can wait and pray that "fire" and "water" will somehow disobey the laws of nature? Oh, that's right preemptive action only applies to attacking countries that have "Texas gold".... uh, I mean .... terrorists!

Now, you may be wondering, "Doesn't George Bush actually like a lot of people in Orange County? After all, they tend to vote conservatively and they tend to be affluent white folks." While your assumptions about Orange County may be correct, Jorge the Decider seems to care about a very limited number of people... which apparently does include any Californians. Remember that whole messy Enron thingy? It was in a pre-9/11 world, but CA kinda got screwed with a ridiculous energy bill. And if I remember correctly Bush/Cheney had some pretty close buds in the "energy business." (Ahhh, even in death Kenneth Lay is still causing problems).

I'm not saying that George Bush doesn't like California. I am just saying that even after 1500 homes, owned by some of the most wealthy and white citizens in the country, burned down... he still waited four days to step in with federal disaster relief. Could our president be that socially irresponsible? I mean, letting poor black people die in a sports stadium makes sense. He's an arrogant, racist asshole from Texas. But letting rich, white people lose their cabanas and mansions? What kind of monster is this guy!!? The worst kind of monster: A total and complete dickhead.

There is one other possibility. President Bush is in fact not a malevolent and vindictive ruler that lords his power over those who he views as inferior. He could just be really, really... I mean insanely horrible at every job he's ever attempted. I leave the answer up to you.

The Smelly Cheese: We report, you get depressed thinking about what we just reported.

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  1. 1 comments: Responses to “ President Bush learns that "fire is bad." ”

  2. By abrupt on 1:46 PM

    If You Have a Cretinous Retard For a President, Expect Him To Do Cretinous, Retarded Things.
