The Smelly Cheese

A pragmatic take on the most foul stuff on the planet: politics.


The Smelly Cheese re-launchification!!!

Written by Captain Spork on 10:30 AM

Having been inspired by "Dunder Mifflin-Infinity" and all its success, I've decided to give the interweb another shot. I've tried myspace and facebook... hell, I've even been kicked off a few tv show message boards. My breed of stupidity needs its own home, a place where it can breathe and blossom into a greater kind of stupidity! Thus, "The Smelly Cheese" is reborn (now with new hypoallergenic strawberry-scent Febreeze!). So come here to find out what's wrong with the world and all the silly little people trying to hang on to it... plus there will be wry observations about the difference between "pancakes," and "hotcakes," and oh so much more!

Plus you get the benefit of looking at the wonderfully placed advertisements by Google. "Why are you selling out and putting ads on your blog?" you may ask. And to that I respond with "I sold out a long time ago and you just never realized it but hopefully if you can tolerate the ads I'll be able to make up more craptastic features like podcasts, vidcasts and live chats!!! I'll probably end up doing it anyway so what's the harm in looking at a few promos for NBC's Bionic Woman (great show: hot chicks doing karate = television gold).

So come with me to a land of magic and unicorns and midgets that crap out pringles... a place I like to call "Pepperidge Farms: Crystal Meth Snickerdoodles Disivion." Or as the kids call it, the CMSD.

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