The Smelly Cheese

A pragmatic take on the most foul stuff on the planet: politics.


Keith Olbermann is clearly in the tank.

Written by Captain Spork on 10:34 PM

By taking pieces of Jon Stewart's shtick from the Oscars and a sketch from SNL mocking the mainstream media for "being in the tank for Obama," and then trying to use them as anti-Hillary Clinton material... Keith has in fact demonstrated that clearly does have "Obama Fever."

Keith, and not surprisingly the rest of the stuffy shirts with press credentials, think that Hillary Clinton doesn't understand that Saturday Night Live is just a "skit show," and they don't actually think the media is in the tank for Obama.

Well, here's the thing Keith. The reason the SNL writers put that sketch as the opener for their first live show in 3 months (and the first of the political primary season) is actually due to the fact that they do think you're in the tank for the Obama Campaign. See, satire doesn't "the opposite of what I'm saying." It's usually just an exaggerated version of the truth.

Sorry, dude. I think your ratings are starting to get to your head.

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