The Smelly Cheese

A pragmatic take on the most foul stuff on the planet: politics.


Ralph Nader: A great man or the greatest man ever?

Written by Captain Spork on 11:05 AM

Ralph Nader is once again doing a great service to all citizens of our nation by throwing his hat into the presidential ring.

I would like to personally thank Mr. Nader for his visionary leadership and bravery. To look the democrat, republican, libertarian and green parties straight in the eyes and say," I know you've moved on but I'm still better than you," is beyond courageous. It's downright inspirational. To be able to see past his 0.37 percent of the 2004 electorate as an independent candidate is both laudable and heroic. Sure, he may be 74 years old, but his mind is as clear as ever. Ralph Nader is ready to take this country in the right direction. He is the next preside-- I'm sorry. My keyboard incurred a hostile invasion from someone wearing a "Nader Raider," t-shirt and seemingly had not showered in a few years.

Fuck Ralph Nader. How long is this douchebag going to guilt trip people with, "Hey I'm the guy that made the auto industry put seat belts in your car!" shtick? Despite his protestation on this interview with Tim Russert, he did make it possible for Jorge Bush to become president. In 2000, Ralph Nader saw Bush having no substantive differences with Gore. Now, in 2008, Nader cannot admit that Barack Obama would make a better president than John McCain. Really Ralph? Obama wouldn't be better for the country than McCain? Is that why you have to continue fighting for the American people?

You, the Great Nader, and only you have the solutions to fix our ailing nation. Ralph Nader is only running for president because he is sad and lonely old man. He has no children, no wife, nor a partner in his efforts to change the world. He is a once great muckraker that has refused to buy a car let alone a computer or embrace the ever-changing world around him. For Nader, it is still 1969 or 1976 and he is still a relevant social advocate lawyer crusading around the country saving all of us from the evils of corporate America.

Nader supporters cite the last 7 years of the Bush administration as the absolute reason why a corporate crusader candidate is desperately needed, now more than ever. I site these last seven, hell even 20 years as a prime reason why Ralph Nader needs to get a fuckin life. He should have passed his baton to someone different a long time ago, because clearly hasn't reverberated with the people for a long time. The man doesn't own a car, nor does he own a home. According to wikipedia (so it's gotta be true), "...he lives on $25000 a year and gives most of his stock earnings to many of the over four dozen non-profit organizations he has founded." He apparently holds $1 million dollars of Cisco stock, yet has no idea what his own website looks like or how to access it.

Ralph Nader has become our nation's crazy old uncle that just needs to be appeased every couple of years with a little bit of mainstream media coverage. He may be fighting the good fight in his own mind, but he's wasting my time and yours by putting his name on a ballot. He knows he can't win, he knows that he won't win so what is he doing it for? The principles of an open democracy? Third party viability? No, Ralph Nader is running for president as an advocate for social and political change so that he can be remembered by a small percentage of the world's population as "an advocate for social and political change." Fuck you Ralph Nader. You'd be tolerable if you were just a smug, egocentric pseudo-intellectual. Alas, you're much worse. You're totally ineffective.

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