The Smelly Cheese

A pragmatic take on the most foul stuff on the planet: politics.


Blowjob Gate 2008: Lewinsky Redux Edition

Written by Captain Spork on 4:48 PM

I must have missed something in the last two months because Hillary Clinton transformed from the strongest national candidate and "inevitable" Democratic nominee to a cash-strapped, battered woman on the verge of tears.

Oh, you missed that too? You probably did because Mrs. Clinton is in fact not working the street corner for a twenty as the media would have believe? In fact virtually nothing has happened in any debate to any of the candidates of any significance to warrant the recent poll numbers shift. The candidates have been saying all the same crap ad nauseum. What did happen is the national media got bored with Hillary and sick of seeing Bill Clinton no the campaign trail again. Did Barack Obama suddenly wake up with more foreign policy experience? Did foreign policy become suddenly less important? Did Iowans turn on a dime and decide "Hey, I remember that lady when she was married to the other President! She ain't no good,"? Simply, no.
I find it hard to believe that voters are going to turn away because they're still smarting from the wagging "I did not have sex" finger. Are we really going to punish a woman for using her husband's popularity to launch her career? I say if it's good enough for Courtney Love then it's good enough for Hillary Clinton. Plus she's not going to be flashing her goods to everybody inside a Dairy Queen 5 years from now.
The media has become very adept at dictating the national agenda when it wants to (except when the subject matter isn't important like going to war and civil liberties). The national media has also become very adept at counting their chickens before they've hatched. And by chickens I mean votes, facts and stuff. Let's take a deep breath and let the other 49 states vote before someone is given the Wall Street Journal/CBS presidential crown/tiara.

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  1. 1 comments: Responses to “ Blowjob Gate 2008: Lewinsky Redux Edition ”

  2. By abrupt on 8:29 AM

    Oh God! the two women (Love & Clinton) I loath. Ones a hack,and the other is a skank.Both are skeevy!
