The Smelly Cheese

A pragmatic take on the most foul stuff on the planet: politics.


Happy Blu Year!!!

Written by Captain Spork on 7:03 PM

My friends have laughed at me for my slavish loyalty to the SONY brand name, but it has never steered me wrong in the personal electronics world. Sure you pay a lot extra for the brand, but goddamn it you're gonna get a good machine. So why would I stray from the family of Sony products when choosing a next generation dvd player? I blame Microsoft. I blame Halo 3. That's who I blame.

Having already purchased an xbox 360, I was less the $200 away from having a fully integrated HDDVD home entertainment system. It seemed like a reasonable trade off at the time. Xbox clearly had more kick-ass games than the Sony PS3 and I could watch a plethora of movie titles in hi-def on Toshiba's HDDVD format. Winner, right? Yes... for about 2 months. Then Warner Bros announced that it would no longer be releasing movies in both formats. Game, set and match. The high definition war has been won by Sony. The future is indeed Blu-ray. Oh, don't worry if you plunked down a bunch of cash for those slightly less expensive HDDVD players and movies you can still watch them. Just know that basically 75% of all movies that are released in hi-def aren't available to you.

Thanks a lot Toshiba! What the fuck was I thinking? Toshiba. When has Toshiba ever come out with anything that screams, "Oh, yeah! I gotsta get me one of those Toshibas!" Now it makes sense why the HDdvd player was so cheap in the first place. I knew I should've waited it out. Now I'm forced start my dvd collection all over again.

By the power of Thor, Greyskull and any other fictitious deity... I will never ignore my insane need to by Sony products again.

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  1. 1 comments: Responses to “ Happy Blu Year!!! ”

  2. By abrupt on 5:44 PM

    I got the new walkman and it`s way better than ipod
