The Smelly Cheese

A pragmatic take on the most foul stuff on the planet: politics.


Seriously, you're embarrassing yourself

Written by Captain Spork on 4:34 PM

Below a video of Chris Matthews' rambling, "I'm sorry that some of you were offended," faux apology for insulting Senator Hillary Clinton after she won the New Hampshire primary. To recap the inciting incident these were his words, verbatim:

"Look, I think that may be true. I think the Hillary appeal has always been somewhat about her mix of toughness and sympathy for her. Let's not forget -- and I'll be brutal -- the reason she's a U.S. senator, the reason she's a candidate for president, the reason she may be a front-runner is her husband messed around. That's how she got to be senator from New York. We keep forgetting it.

She didn't win there on her merit. She won because everybody felt, 'My God, this woman stood up under humiliation,' right? That's what happened. That's how it happened. In 1998 she went to New York and campaigned for Chuck Schumer as almost like the grieving widow of absurdity, and she did it so well and courageously, but it was about the humiliation of Bill Clinton."

For the full context of the conversation look back a few entries here or check out the clip

Well, first off Chris seems to have an odd sense of "heat of the moment." I don't think he
was in the middle of a heated discussion about anything when he said. In fact I think
that's the most mellow I've ever seen him on television. The conversation he was having
was in fact a one-way conversation and there wasn't any "moment" for Matthews to get
carried away in. Not once does he even get that fucking disgusting old-man spittle at the
corners of his mouth.

In his verbose, self-aggrandizing apology the words "apologize," "sorry," "regret," or
"remorse," never come up. Nor does the phrase, "I was wrong." The only thing this
cro-magnon regrets is that his viewers, his colleagues and his boss "perceived," he was
behaving like an ass. He doesn't like the Clintons, especially Hillary. But rather than
admit that truth he gets wet in his loins every time a Clinton utters a syllable and slings
verbal arrows under the guise of journalism. Then when he gets slapped on the wrist for
behaving badly he wants his viewers to believe that he only says these things because, "he
cares too much," about politics and politicians.

Here's the hypocracy. The man that plays Hardball with all of his political guests, the
same man that demands complete and total straightforwardness from the politicians has
himself given a "politician's apology." There were a lot of words said, but after 5
minutes there wasn't any accountability. Sure, it sounded like he was apologizing but the
man couldn't actually push pass the threshold of semi-regret.

Chris Matthews has been exposed in the past two years as lecherous, disgusting human being
that truly cannot see the difference between real life and politics. He exists in a bubble
of straw-man arguments and D.C. media junk. The sad part is I think he's trying to do
these controversial things because he knows that Keith Olbermann is the new face of MSNBC
and the new standard of liberal political pundits. It's sad for Matthews because, unlike
Olbermann, he can't actually contribute any real journalism or insight to the culture. He
can only bloviate, pontificate and frustrate those around him.

My only wish is for him to stay on the air long enough for Tom Brokaw to scold him again
for behaving like a 61-year old petulant child.

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