The Smelly Cheese

A pragmatic take on the most foul stuff on the planet: politics.


Chris Matthews Clinton Hate-Boner: Day 2963

Written by Captain Spork on 7:44 PM

Admittedly, all of Washington DC enjoyed declaring Hillary's campaign dead and anointing Obama as the "King of New America," or something. Still there's something warm and fuzzy about Matthew's brand of seething contempt.

Now, I thought I knew how to hold on to "old stuff" and let it fester inside to a boiling rage but this man needs to be medicated. I don't think Chelsea, Bill or Hillary combined has thought about Lewinksy-gate as much as Matthews. I love the second part, which is just pure, sexist, Irish Catholic bravado. Sure Chris, she was elected senator of New York because they felt sorry for her. Have you ever been to New York in the last twenty years Chris? Ummm, let's just say not a real "touchy-feely" kind of state.

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