The Smelly Cheese

A pragmatic take on the most foul stuff on the planet: politics.


Fix the economy, Stupid.

Written by Captain Spork on 1:25 PM

The Dow Jones is going up and down faster than a (insert Pacific Rim country here) prostitute. I don't really understand much about projections, short-term buying and selling or basically anything beyond my college econ class. What I do understand is that a lot of americans are losing their homes and their jobs. While there are probably a myriad of reasons, such as sub-prime lending, to blame for our national predicament I have a more immediate solution to our fiscal dilemma.

Our efforts to bring democracy to the world and more specifically our boondoggle in Iraq is going to cost $193 billion dollars this year.

I busted out my calculater and I think that breaks down to roughly $528 million per/day. Now some of that is for Afghanistan and the larger "war on terrorism." So, even if we keep doing that some estimates have said that the Iraq clusterfuck is still costing upwards of $300 million per/day.
So here's my big idea: Let's pull a bunch of our soldiers out of Iraq so we don't have to spend $300 million a day on a country that doesn't give a shit about what we think or our personal welfare. Hell, I don't even know if Iraqis give two shits about their own welfare. Have they really demonstrated that they want a unifying democracy? I guess they have, if you count the kind of democracy where the opposing parties literally bomb eachother's headquarters and assassinate members of parliment.

The U.S. dollar could be less weak and pathetic and the lending crisis wouldn't be such a "crisis," if we weren't using our national credit card to keep the people of Iraq from killing eachother. As an added bonus young men and women serving in our military wouldn't have to die in a struggle that has no end in sight.

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