The Smelly Cheese

A pragmatic take on the most foul stuff on the planet: politics.


Don't Tell New Hampshire What it can't do!!!

Written by Captain Spork on 6:59 PM

The great state of New Hampshire has spoken. Much to the entire Washington press core's dismay, older white folks declared they like the white lady slightly better than the black guy. While a smaller group of even older, whiter people declared that they like... the oldest, whitest guy.

Goddamn it! Now we have to sit through 48 more of these damn primary things. Yes, I'm sorry "guy that writes for the New Republic," you'll actually have to wait until the other 99% of the country weighs in before you can go back to playing Call of Duty 4 at the office.

Jonny Stewart summarized things best on "A" Daily Show last night:

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