The Smelly Cheese

A pragmatic take on the most foul stuff on the planet: politics.


The Obamanator

Written by Captain Spork on 3:53 PM

It's an Obamanation!! Obama Slamma Jamma! Sorry, I'm very immature. Yes it's true, I've got a fever and the only prescription is more Obama. If Oprah likes the guy how can he not be the next president? Especially if every Obama supporter gets a new car (I'll take the cash minus taxes).

The people of Iowa have spoken and they want "change." They also want the entire country's media and presidential candidates to fall all over themselves in a effort to sway less than 0.005% of the voting public. So I'm obligated to again state, "fuck you Iowa," and deliver a premptive "fuck yourself," to New Hampshire. That's right shut up and keep pumping out your second-place maple syrup you pretentious bastards. I digress...

Barack Obama looks and feels like the best leader we've seen in years. He's refreshingly different (codespeak= black guy that doesn't sound like Al Sharpton), he's honest (codespeak=he hasn't been around long enough for me to catch him in a lie) and he stands for hope (codespeak= he doesn't say anything that upsets me). At this very moment, Barack could begin selling time shares in New Mexico at the end of every speech and I'd probably by one. Why? He's got the mojo workin'. He's selling his own charisma and absolutely nothing else. The guy has a completely unremarkable senate voting record and yet he's the candidate for "change." He's got money coming out his ass yet he's still seen as the "son of goat herder." I haven't seen a politician sell his own suaveness this well since... Bill Clinton. Ironically the same man that is trying to rip him apart right now.

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